Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Life in the modern world demands preparation. Today, all individuals in every country are required to have adequate education. They  must prepare themselves for their work. The must have professional abilities to do their job. They must have responsibilities as citizens as well as firm loyalities to their own countries.

That’s why national leaders everywhere are placing more emphasis on the education of the young and so are those in our country. Government officials, parents and teacher are now working hard to provide our children with the best preparation. They making a great effort to improve the quality of our human resources through the program of compulsory education.

We are fully aware that our children will determine the development of our country in the future. It is therefore necessary and obligatory for all parents to send their children to school until at least the age of sixteen, and it will, of course, be much better if our children can go to another form of higher education.

Our children must also have equal opportunity to receive education. The children of the rich, the workers of the farmer can go to university and obtain a degree. They must grow up and become skilled and educated people. Again, we all realize that the strength of our nation rets with the number of the educated people we produce.

Source : Practice Your English (by Team of MGMP Bahasa Inggris)

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